In this article, we will cover how you can modify the legends that accompany the data displays that you create in Link Master Analysis (LMA).
Before proceeding, please launch LMA and load measures into your workspace. You can use these sets of data to work through the following tutorial.
Let's say that you've created a Statistics Chart for your RSRP parameter (you can do this by right-clicking on your RSRP attribute in the left-hand panel that displays the attributes available to you and selecting Statistics Chart).
To manage the legend associated with your newly-created Statistics Chart, you'll need to right-click on your parameter (in this case, it is RSRP) in the left-hand panel and select Set Legend.
This launches the Legend Configuration area.
For each given item in your legend, you can change its:
Save your changes by clicking OK when you're done.
You might see changes in your Statistics Chart to reflect the changes you made to your legend.
In the Legend Configuration, you'll see a Copy current legend setting. This allows you to copy a specific set of changes from one parameter to another.
When there's a set of settings you can paste, the Paste option immediately to the right becomes active.
You can save a particular set of changes for later use. This makes it easy for you to share legends among groups or to create different legends you use for specific clients. Simply click Save As..., and provide a name for your legend when prompted.
You can use legends you've previously configured and save by clicking Load and selecting the legend you want to use.
If you ever want to return to the default settings, simply click Reset.
You have the option of setting the style of your legend. By default, your legends are set to symbol. For example, this is a map with data points plotted using a circle symbol.
We can change it to (for example) value, which displays each data point as its actual value:
We can display the Symbol + Value:
If you want to hide and show a specific subset of data, you can toggle its visibility based on the parameters set by the legend. For example, let's say we don't want to show values that do not exceed -100.00. We can simply uncheck the associated Visibility box.
This also removes these values from the legend.
The Legend Configuration is applicable for parameter values. If you're working with sectors or data of that nature, you'll need to go to Configuration > PN/SC/PCI Colors.
Let's say that you've created a Map for your PCI attribute.
Zoomed in, this is what we see:
Let's say we want to change the colors for the data point with value 242. Go to Configuration > PN/SC/PCI Colors.
This dialog allows us to manually pick the color for 242. We select 242, and we're prompted for a new color.
Click Ok on both prompts to see your changes on your map.