In this article, we will show you how to connect your phone to Link Master via Bluetooth. The Bluetooth connection is then used to control the dial commands from your phone.
Please note that audio is not transferred -- only the control commands to initiate and answer the call get transferred.
If you haven't already, please consider reviewing How to Set Up ADB and Install RMA.
Connect your phone to your computer when you have Link Master running.
On your phone, launch the Bluetooth settings screen (the specifics for doing this vary based on the phone you're using, so please consult your phone's manufacturer for assistance if you have any issues). Your phone will search for available devices to which it can connect.
In the example above, the phone has found two devices -- we can see from the second part of the device names that they're associated with channels 01 and 02. The first part of the device name, which we see is WM5, reflects the value you entered on the Port Settings page of Link Master.
When connecting via Bluetooth, make sure that you're matching the phones with the cables. In the example shown above, UE1 corresponds to WM5_CH01, so we click to pair. As this is happening, we'll want to watch the bottom left of Link Master to see the progress.
You'll receive a message on your phone confirming the pairing request. Click OK to proceed.
We confirm that the connection on channel 01 is successful by looking for the green indicator on the bottom left of Link Master.
Repeat this process to pair the second phone with Link Master, making sure that you pair your phone with the appropriate channel.
Once you're done, you'll see the appropriate indicators in your status area:
At this point, your two phones are connected and Link Master is talking to the phones on three levels:
If you don't already have RMA running on the phones you've connected, here's how to install RMA.
Go to Control > RMA Setting. Check the ADB devices for which you want RMA installed.
At the bottom, click Install RMA. This pushes the Android app to your phone. RMA looks like this while running: